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Kenneth Allen

Biography to Display: 

1946 Born Chicago, Illinois

2000 Died


BFA East Tennessee University, Johnson City, Tennessee

MFA East Tennessee University, Johnson City, Tennessee


Studio Potter

Walter’s State Community College, Morristown, Tennessee


 Ken Allen is known for wheel-thrown or hand built stoneware vases, mugs, lamp stands, animal ewers, and lidded vessels. The forms are either functional domestic ware or at times sculptural and they are typically decorated with geometric patterns made with multiple glazes or stains.

Public Collections

Public Collections to Display: 

Southern Highland Craft Guild, Asheville, North Carolina


Bibliography to Display: 

Studio Potter 9, no.2 (1981).




Center for CraftSouthern Highland Craft Guild



Center for CraftCenter For Craft


Typical Marks

"Allen" inscribed into the wet clay at the bottom of the foot.

Date: 1976-1988
Materials: Stoneware
Method: Thrown and Altered
Surface Technique: Sgraffito
Southern Highland Craft Guild, 1988.35. 4
Photo: Southern Highland Craft Guild
Southern Highland Craft Guild, 1988.35. 4
Photo: Southern Highland Craft Guild
1976 - 1988

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified February 11, 2024.